quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2019

The day I accepted Jesus Christ was remarkable in my life and for the rest of my life!

The day I accepted Jesus Christ was remarkable in my life and for the rest of my life!  for I have known true love, the love of Christ!  God made him (Jesus Christ) come into the world for a wonderful purpose of giving his life for humanity!  For in the gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16 it says: God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  Immeasurable love is this I can say!  for surrendering your life in favor of mine!

Her life has given her over even to a miserable sinner that we all are!  He faced death, the death of the cross, the crown of thorns, was betrayed, abandoned by his own, took his clothes, whipped, ground for our transgressions!  For in the book of Isaiah it says, The punishment that brings us peace was upon him, and by his stripes we were healed.
  Be sure to accept what has been paid for your life!  Priceless!  Rather, there is no gold in the world that can value, pay that price!  The price of salvation of your soul!  And even if you have thoughts of others about your life, designating that you have no such value, but remember, one day you were a child, and Jesus Christ said, Come to me the little ones, because of such is the kingdom of  heavens!  That is why I say, He (Jesus Christ) did it for even one who sees himself as a miserable sinner!  King David said that!  What's more, he said that the Lord brought him out of a tremendous mud!  It is not a man and even a king to assert such a situation!  But, God, from heaven to heaven!  Even for saying how the apostle Paul "in the third heaven" was done more for the human being, I even remember the book of Isaiah that says: God is not with his deaf ears to hear nor his arm extended so that he cannot save  !  Then I can make the scene here in 360 °, where in the space where nothing exists, nothing but a Throne, and what is seated on it, whose brightness has fled from heaven and earth, and upon the white throne are the cherubim,  seraphim, archangels constantly saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, who art and who is to come!  And the immaculate Holy Lamb in his shining white robes, sitting on the right hand of the Throne of whom whose heaven and earth fled, heard his father say and reveal the plan of salvation!  The redemption!  What's more, the copious grace of God's love revealed as the unmerited favor to all mankind!  Abraham embraced the faith!  And he was assigned to be called the father of faith!  For as well as by faith, he believed that God would give him a son in his old age, even to Sarah, having no way of being, because the days of being no more were but God, but God, the I Am,  call the existence of things that are not, to be!  And by Isaac, that is to say, son of promise, the God of the impossible was revealed!  And Jesus Christ, like Abraham's Isaac, did not mind walking with God to the mountain of sacrifice!  Imagine Isaac, where it is said that he asked Abraham, we have the fire wood, but where is the Lamb !?  (Hallelujah!) And the word of that prophet, Abraham, was, God will provide for you the lamb my son!  What a glorious moment for all of us!  The Lamb was Christ!  Hallelujahs!  As in the passage of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, when John said when he saw Jesus Christ, behold the Lamb of God!  That takes away the sin of the world!  And Abraham, a mention is made in the book of Hebrews, that even not contemplating all the promises in his short life, for Abraham died in blissful old age!  And in the book of Revelation the person of Jesus Christ is mentioned, setting beside the throne of God, now, as a Lamb who was wounded but alive is!  And for those brief words, I hope that on that day you have your decision to make!  for accepting this love!  and the best opportunity is the day that is called today!  As it is written, If your voice be heard, harden not your heart, O my son.
 Jesus himself told the people of Israel that God gathers his and surrounds him with his love as the hen gathers his chicks, so were the words of Jesus when looking out of the city of Jerusalem: O Jerusalem, how I have gathered  te, as the chicken does with its chicks!  Of course as in our day, and proof of what I have to say is the 10th day lepers reports that only 1 returned to thank Christ, those who begged alms, and the blind, like blind Bartimaeus, the prostitute who had demons, and yet  the account that in Carfanaum and in places where Gentiles were, Jesus Christ went, and shortly after He came out of His baptism in the waters of the Jordan River, and it is said that the people who walked in darkness saw their wonderful light!
 So I say, there is no one or nothing that can say that you are not worthy of God's love in Christ Jesus!
 Make no mistake Be sure to make this wonderful decision in your life!
 Have you heard more of the stories of the God of the people of Israel !?  Have you heard of its miracles and great works, wonders, wonders even before one of the most powerful pagan nations that ever lived !?  Like the Egyptian empire!  In the time of Moses!
  Then make your decision!  Jesus he is not dead on that Cross anymore, and the work of the one who even obeyed him has finished!  Resurrecting many in your day!  He is the same yesterday today and forever!  and it will be in your life from the moment you accept it!  You will have the best friend!  For he himself said that I will be with you all the days until the end of the age!
  accept Jesus today and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and it will be fulfilled what is written in the bible in Psalm 37: give your life to the Lord trust him and the more he will do!  Surely God will give you what you ask!  For we gospels Jesus Christ says, And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, I will do!  And from the moment you accept Christ, he will do in your life as He did in the life of King David which is so written in Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd and I will not lack anything!
 accept Jesus!  Make this important decision up in your life because there is nothing better than knowing the love of God in Christ Jesus!  For by grace you are saved!  Through faith in Christ Jesus!  And that does not come from you!  So that no flesh can boast!  But it comes from God!  Hallelujahs!  Glory to God!  "For your love and infinite kindness ..." (congregational hymn) I am an Adventist today!
 You have made a decision that will change your life from now on!  But you may ask yourself, "What do I do now? How can I start my walk with God?"  The 4 Steps below will guide you:

  1) Find a good church to help you walk
  a) It is very important that you walk with other believers in Jesus Christ.  According to the Bible, Church is the people who are part of God's family, but this group needs to meet in one place, so I advise you to find a church in your city that preaches the Bible.  Talk to the pastor and talk about his new faith in Jesus.

  b) In the church you will learn to read the Bible.  It is through her that you will learn all about God and the life He has in store for you.  It is crucial that you seek to read the Bible to have a victorious and blessed Christian life.  See: “" All Scripture is inspired of God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, education in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfectly and perfectly qualified for every good work. "(2 Timothy 3: 16,17)

  c) The third purpose of the church is worship.  Through worship, we thank God for all that He is and has done for us!  God has saved us through His Son, He loves us deeply, guides us, sustains us, and blesses us.  How could we not thank you for all this?  God is merciful, full of grace, holy and just, so we worship Him.

  2) Take time every day to seek God
  It is very important that every day you seek God. Many call this time "devotional," which is a time when one is alone with God. It may be morning when you wake up or at night, but it does not matter.  What really matters is that you take time to quiet your heart and talk to God and meditate on His Word.

  a) How to pray?  Prayer is simply talking to God just as you talk to a friend.  You don't have to talk nice or know much.  You just need to say what is in your heart.  Tell about your concerns, problems and dreams.  Ask God to supply your needs, ask for wisdom and guide you to the whole truth.  As you pray, always give thanks and say how much you love Him.  Believe that He hears all your prayers.

  b) How to read the Bible?  In addition to reading the Bible in church, it is critical that you read it in your home.  The Bible presents God's whole plan for your life and gives all instructions for you to lead an abundant life.  It will help you make the right decisions, see God's action in humanity, in your own life, and most importantly, change your heart so that you have fellowship with Him.  Finally, the Bible is the survival manual in this world corrupted by sin and our spiritual food.  Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the whole word of God" (Luke 4: 4).

  3) Report to people who will help you grow spiritually
  The Bible is always warning us about how much people can influence us to keep us from God. She says, “Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33).  Therefore, if we continue to live with those who do not want to be committed to God and seek only sin, we may be tempted to do the same as them.  I am not saying that you should break with your friendships.  Keep being their friend and love them.  Explain that now Jesus has changed your life and you no longer want to do the same things as before.  So choose to report deeply to who will strengthen you in your walk with God. Seek to meet one or two friends, perhaps from your church, who will walk side by side with you.  Share with them about everything and don't be afraid to ask for help.  Perhaps they have been on the Christian walk longer and thus have more experience.

  4) Be baptized
  You may have been baptized as a child, but you need to be baptized again and you will understand why.  The word "baptism" means immersion, diving.  Baptism is a biblical way to announce to everyone that you now have a new life with Jesus Christ and will follow Him forever.  Being immersed in the water represents that you were killed with Christ and when you come out of the water, you are resurrecting with Christ.  To be baptized is to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6: 3-4).

  It is important to know that baptism does not save you.  Baptism does not wash away your sins.  What saves you is your faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it is His blood that blots out your sins.  However, baptism is a very important obedience step that shows that you are committed to Jesus and not afraid to express your faith.  If you believe you are ready to be baptized, talk to a pastor.

The day I accepted Jesus Christ as the savior of my soul!

o dia que aceitei Jesus Cristo foi marcante na minha vida e pelo resto da minha vida! pois conheci o amor verdadeiro, o amor de Cristo! Deus fez com que ele (Jesus Cristo) viesse ao mundo para um propósito maravilhoso de dar a sua vida pela humanidade! Pois no evangelho de João capítulo 3 versículo 16 diz: Que Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira, que deu seu filho unigênito para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. Imensurável amor é esse eu posso dizer!

Por entregar a sua vida em favor da minha! A sua vida a entregou e mesmo até por um mísero pecador que todos somos! Enfrentou morte, a morte de cruz, a coroa de espinhos, foi traído, abandonado pelos seus, tomaram as suas vestes, chicoteado, moído pelas nossas transgressões! Pois no livro de Isaías diz: o castigo que nos traz a paz estava sobre ele e por suas pisaduras nós fomos sarados.
 Não deixe de aceitar o que foi pago por sua vida! Não tem preço! Melhor dizendo, não existe ouro no mundo capaz de valorizar, de pagar esse preço! O preço da salvação de sua alma! E mesmo que tenha pensamentos de outros a respeito de sua vida, designando que você não tem esse valor, mas lembre-se, um dia vc foi uma criança, e Jesus Cristo disse: vinde a mim os pequeninos porque dos tais é o reino dos céus! Por isso afirmo, Ele (Jesus Cristo) fez isso por até mesmo aquele ou aquela que se vê como um miserável pecador! O Rei Davi disse isso! E mais, ele disse que o Senhor o tirou de um tremendal de lama! Não é de um homem e mesmo um Rei afirmar tal situação! Mas, Deus, lá dos céus dos céus! Mesmo até por dizer como o apóstolo Paulo " no terceiro céu" se fez mais pelo o ser humano, lembro até do livro de Isaías que diz: Deus não está com seus ouvidos surdos para ouvir e nem o seu braço estendido para que não possa salvar! Então, posso elaborar aqui a cena em 360°, onde no espaço onde nada existe, nada mais que um Trono, e o que está assentado nele, cujo o resplendor fugiu is céus e a Terra, e sobre o trono branco estão os querubins, serafins, arcanjos dizendo constantemente: Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor Deus Todo Poderoso, que Era, que És e que Há de vir! E o Cordeiro Santo, imaculado, com as suas vestes Brancas e reluzentes, assentado a direita do Trono daquele que cuja presença fugiram os céus e a Terra, ouviu o seu pai a dizer e a revelar o plano da Salvação! A Redenção! E ainda mais, a copiosa graça do amor de Deus revelado como o favor imerecido a Toda a humanidade! Abraão abraçou a fé! E foi lhe atribuído ser chamado o pai da fé! Pois, assim como por fé, creu que Deus lho daria um filho em sua velhice, mesmo a Sara, não tendo mais como ser, por ter passado os dias de não ser o ser mais, mas Deus, mas Deus, o Eu Sou, chama a existência das coisas que não são, para o serem! E por Isaque, que quer dizer, filho da promessa, se revelou o Deus do impossível! E Jesus Cristo, como o Isaque de Abraão, não importou de caminhar com Deus, até o monte do sacrifício! Imagina Isaque, onde se diz que ele perguntou pra Abraão, temos a lenha o fogo, mas onde está o Cordeiro!? (Aleluias!) E a palavra desse profeta, Abraão, foi: Deus proverá para si o cordeiro meu filho! Que momento glorioso para todos nós! O Cordeiro era Cristo! Aleluias! Como na passagem do batismo de Jesus Cristo por João Batista, quando João disse ao ver Jesus Cristo: eis o Cordeiro de Deus! Que tira o pecado do mundo! E Abraão, se faz uma menção no livro de Hebreus, que mesmo não contemplando todas as promessas em sua breve vida, pois Abraão morreu em ditosa velhice! E no livro de apocalipse se menciona a pessoa de Jesus Cristo, estando assentado ao lado do trono de Deus, agora, como um Cordeiro que foi ferido, mas que vivo está! E por essas breves palavras, espero que nesse dia você tenha a sua decisão a tomar! por aceitar esse amor! e a melhor oportunidade é o dia que se chama hoje! Como está escrito: se ouvir pois a sua voz não endureçais o coração pois óh filho meu! 
Jesus mesmo falou para o povo de Israel que Deus ajunta o seus e os cerca com seu amor assim como a galinha ajunta os seus pintinhos, assim foram as palavras de Jesus quando ao olhar fora da cidade de Jerusalém: óh Jerusalém como eu quis ajuntar-te, como a galinha faz com seus pintinhos! Claro que como em nossos dias, e prova do que vou dizer é os relatos dia 10 leprosos que somente 1 voltou para agradecer a Cristo, os que pediam esmolas, e os cegos, como o cego Bartimeu, a prostituta que havia demônios, e ainda o relato que em carfanaum e em lugares de onde se havia gentios, Jesus Cristo foi, e logo após ter saído do seu batismo nas águas do rio Jordão, e se diz que o povo que andava em trevas, viu a sua maravilhosa luz!
Por isso afirmo, não há ninguém ou nada que possa dizer que vc não seja merecedor do amor de Deus em Cristo Jesus! 
Não se engane Não deixe para tomar essa decisão maravilhosa em sua vida!
Vc ouviu mais das histórias do Deus do povo de Israel!? Vc ouviu falar sobre os seus milagres e grandes obras, maravilhas, prodígios mesmo ante a uma das mais poderosas nações pagãs que existiu!? Como o império egípcio! No tempo de Moisés!
 Então tome a sua decisão! Jesus ele não está morto naquela Cruz mais, e por ali terminou a obra daquele que até mesmo  a morte o obedecia! Ressuscitando a muitos em seus dias! Ele é o mesmo ontem hoje e para sempre! e será em sua vida, a partir do momento em que você o aceitar! Você terá o melhor amigo! pois ele mesmo disse que: todos os dias até a consumação dos séculos estarei convosco!
 aceite a Jesus hoje e ouça a voz do Espírito Santo e se cumprirá o que está escrito na bíblia em salmos 37: entrega sua vida ao Senhor confia nele e o mais ele fará! com certeza Deus te dará o que você pedir! Pois nós evangelhos Jesus Cristo diz: e tudo que pedirdes em meu nome eu farei! E a partir ir do momento em que você aceitar a Cristo, ele fará em sua vida como Ele fez na vida do Rei Davi que assim está escrito em salmos 23: O Senhor é meu pastor e nada me faltará!
aceita a Jesus! tome essa decisão importante cima para sua vida pois não existe nada melhor do que conhecer o amor de Deus em Cristo Jesus! Pois, pela graça sois salvos! Mediante a fé em Cristo Jesus! E isso não vem de vós! Para que nenhuma carne se glorie! Mas vem de Deus! Aleluias! Glórias a Deus! "Pelo seu amor e infinita bondade..." (Hino congregacional) Eu sou adventista hoje!
You have made a decision that will change your life from now on!  But you may ask yourself, "What do I do now? How can I start my walk with God?"  The 4 Steps below will guide you:

 1) Find a good church to help you walk
 a) It is very important that you walk with other believers in Jesus Christ.  According to the Bible, Church is the people who are part of God's family, but this group needs to meet in one place, so I advise you to find a church in your city that preaches the Bible.  Talk to the pastor and talk about his new faith in Jesus.

 b) In the church you will learn to read the Bible.  It is through her that you will learn all about God and the life He has in store for you.  It is crucial that you seek to read the Bible to have a victorious and blessed Christian life.  See: “" All Scripture is inspired of God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, education in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfectly and perfectly qualified for every good work. "(  2 Timothy 3: 16,17)

 c) The third purpose of the church is worship.  Through worship, we thank God for all that He is and has done for us!  God has saved us through His Son, He loves us deeply, guides us, sustains us, and blesses us.  How could we not thank you for all this?  God is merciful, full of grace, holy and just, so we worship Him.

 2) Take time every day to seek God
 It is very important that every day you seek God.  Many call this time "devotional," which is a time when one is alone with God.  It may be morning when you wake up or at night, but it doesn't matter.  What really matters is that you take time to quiet your heart and talk to God and meditate on His Word.

 a) How to pray?  Prayer is simply talking to God just as you talk to a friend.  You don't have to talk nice or know much.  You just need to say what is in your heart.  Tell about your concerns, problems and dreams.  Ask God to supply your needs, ask for wisdom and guide you to the whole truth.  As you pray, always give thanks and say how much you love Him.  Believe that He hears all your prayers.

 b) How to read the Bible?  In addition to reading the Bible in church, it is critical that you read it in your home.  The Bible presents God's whole plan for your life and gives all instructions for you to lead an abundant life.  It will help you make the right decisions, see God's action in humanity, in your own life, and most importantly, change your heart so that you have fellowship with Him. Finally, the Bible is the survival manual in this world corrupted by  sin and our spiritual food.  Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the whole word of God" (Luke 4: 4).

 3) Relate to people who will help you grow spiritually
 The Bible is always warning us about how much people can influence us to keep us from God.  She says, “Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33).  Therefore, if we continue to live with those who do not want to be committed to God and seek only sin, we may be tempted to do the same as them.  I am not saying that you should break with your friendships.  Keep being their friend and love them.  Explain that now Jesus has changed your life and you no longer want to do the same things as before.  So choose to relate deeply to who will strengthen you in your walk with God.  Seek to meet one or two friends, perhaps from your church, who will walk side by side with you.  Share with them about everything and don't be afraid to ask for help.  Perhaps they have been on the Christian walk longer and thus have more experience.

 4) Be baptized
 You may have been baptized as a child, but you need to be baptized again and you will understand why.  The word "baptism" means immersion, diving.  Baptism is a biblical way to announce to everyone that you now have a new life with Jesus Christ and will follow Him forever.  Being immersed in the water represents that you were killed with Christ and when you come out of the water, you are resurrecting with Christ.  To be baptized is to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6: 3-4).

 It is important to know that baptism does not save you.  Baptism does not wash away your sins.  What saves you is your faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it is His blood that blots out your sins.  However, baptism is a very important obedience step that shows that you are committed to Jesus and not afraid to express your faith.  If you believe you are ready to be baptized, talk to a pastor.